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Version: v1.28.x

Discovery Service configuration parameters

Discovery Service configuration parameters

Zowe runtime configuration parameters

As an application developer who wants to run Zowe, set the following parameters during the Zowe runtime configuration by modifying the <Zowe install directory>/components/discovery/bin/ file:

API ML configuration

  • apiml.discovery.userid

    The Discovery service in HTTP mode protects it's endpoints with basic authentication instead of client certificate. This parameter specifies the userid. The default value is eureka.

  • apiml.discovery.password

    This parameter specifies the password for the basic authentication used by the Discovery Service in HTTP mode. The default value is password.

  • apiml.discovery.allPeersUrls

    This parameter contains the list of URLs of the Discovery Service in case of multiple instances of the service on different host. Example:

    allPeersUrls: https://localhost2:10021/eureka/,https://localhost3:10031/eureka/

    Note: Each URL within the list must be separated by a comma.

  • apiml.discovery.staticApiDefinitionsDirectories

    The static definition directories can be specified as a parameter at startup and will be scanned by the Discovery Service. These directories contains the definitions of static services. Example:

    staticApiDefinitionsDirectories: config/local/api-defs;config/local2/api-defs

Eureka configuration

The Discovery Service contains a configuration for implementing the client-side service discovery and for defining a Eureka Server for service registry. Such configuration is shown below:

hostname: ${apiml.service.hostname}
ipAddress: ${apiml.service.ipAddress}
port: ${server.port}
securePort: 0
nonSecurePortEnabled: true
securePortEnabled: false
preferIpAddress: ${apiml.service.preferIpAddress}
statusPageUrl: http://${apiml.service.hostname}:${apiml.service.port}/application/info
healthCheckUrl: http://${apiml.service.hostname}:${apiml.service.port}/application/health
registerWithEureka: true
fetchRegistry: true
region: default
defaultZone: ${apiml.discovery.allPeersUrls}
useReadOnlyResponseCache: false
  • eureka.client.registerWithEureka If we make this property as true then while the server starts the inbuilt client will try to register itself with the Eureka server.

  • eureka.client.registerWithEureka The inbuilt client will try to fetch the Eureka registry if we configure this property as true.

  • eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone A fallback value that provides the Eureka service URL for any client that does not express a preference (in other words, it is a useful default).

More information about the other Eureka parameters can be found in the Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka documentation.